1 00:00:04,050 --> 00:00:09,820 my name is George Jenny and I'm a local 2 00:00:07,300 --> 00:00:13,120 artist from Chapel Hill and I'm one of 3 00:00:09,820 --> 00:00:17,110 the artists in area 9 19 when I'm coming 4 00:00:13,120 --> 00:00:18,820 up with a new work it's kind of like 5 00:00:17,110 --> 00:00:21,970 everything's happening at once so I will 6 00:00:18,820 --> 00:00:23,980 I mean there's a kernel of an idea and 7 00:00:21,970 --> 00:00:28,440 then I will either start to write or 8 00:00:23,980 --> 00:00:32,020 start to shoot a start to draw whatever 9 00:00:28,440 --> 00:00:34,660 and I'll do that thing until it's kind 10 00:00:32,020 --> 00:00:36,699 of time until I sort of get stumped and 11 00:00:34,660 --> 00:00:38,739 then it's time to move on to the other 12 00:00:36,699 --> 00:00:40,660 other part of it so i'll write for a 13 00:00:38,739 --> 00:00:41,829 little bit now shoot for a little bit 14 00:00:40,660 --> 00:00:43,300 and then i'll write for a little bit 15 00:00:41,829 --> 00:00:49,350 i'll shoot for a little bit and then and 16 00:00:43,300 --> 00:00:49,350 so and it's designed that way because 17 00:00:49,990 --> 00:00:58,260 this is the way each element informs you 18 00:00:54,880 --> 00:00:58,260 know how the other is developing 19 00:01:00,170 --> 00:01:04,850 we fight on the way home from night of 20 00:01:02,000 --> 00:01:07,159 heavy drinking at seven miles now as you 21 00:01:04,850 --> 00:01:10,189 open a car door and threatened to throw 22 00:01:07,159 --> 00:01:13,159 yourself onto the highway instead of 23 00:01:10,189 --> 00:01:16,399 pleading for your safety I scream 24 00:01:13,159 --> 00:01:18,369 obscenities II and swerve with the hope 25 00:01:16,399 --> 00:01:20,810 that the door shut itself in agreement 26 00:01:18,369 --> 00:01:24,610 the stunt doesn't work like it seems it 27 00:01:20,810 --> 00:01:27,680 should and I pull over fuming with fear 28 00:01:24,610 --> 00:01:30,200 after a silence you tell me that you're 29 00:01:27,680 --> 00:01:34,039 going to have a baby 30 00:01:30,200 --> 00:01:36,229 well I'm a writer and I'm a well i would 31 00:01:34,039 --> 00:01:38,509 say i'm a video artist first in a writer 32 00:01:36,229 --> 00:01:41,890 second let's say but but there's this 33 00:01:38,509 --> 00:01:41,890 sort of duality and 34 00:01:43,570 --> 00:01:47,640 you know the the text 35 00:01:47,760 --> 00:01:53,460 is just as visual and sculptural as the 36 00:01:51,060 --> 00:01:56,450 video is you know like the text on the 37 00:01:53,460 --> 00:02:00,240 page is it is kind of an essential 38 00:01:56,450 --> 00:02:02,579 experience to the story as well it's 39 00:02:00,240 --> 00:02:04,439 it's cadence is different when you read 40 00:02:02,579 --> 00:02:06,119 it then when you hear it because you 41 00:02:04,439 --> 00:02:08,660 determine the cadence and you sort of 42 00:02:06,119 --> 00:02:12,000 determine how you where you emphasize 43 00:02:08,660 --> 00:02:14,400 words and so but i also just am a big 44 00:02:12,000 --> 00:02:18,500 fan of seeing words on a page you know 45 00:02:14,400 --> 00:02:18,500 like I think that looks pretty cool