1 00:00:00,060 --> 00:00:03,810 over the course of our time together 2 00:00:01,709 --> 00:00:07,080 these past past few days we've talked a 3 00:00:03,810 --> 00:00:09,330 lot about the rewards of these programs 4 00:00:07,080 --> 00:00:12,000 and the relationships that are built and 5 00:00:09,330 --> 00:00:14,580 the incredible opportunity to really get 6 00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:17,190 to know our visitors and to see those 7 00:00:14,580 --> 00:00:18,900 visitors time and time again and that's 8 00:00:17,190 --> 00:00:22,140 certainly one of the things we have 9 00:00:18,900 --> 00:00:24,420 enjoyed most here at the Nasher and so 10 00:00:22,140 --> 00:00:26,730 as we were planning for this conference 11 00:00:24,420 --> 00:00:29,670 it was really important to us to be able 12 00:00:26,730 --> 00:00:31,949 to include the voices of those visitors 13 00:00:29,670 --> 00:00:35,070 and that T we have with us this morning 14 00:00:31,949 --> 00:00:37,680 and we're thrilled to welcome them so we 15 00:00:35,070 --> 00:00:40,739 have Vonda and Tom who has been part of 16 00:00:37,680 --> 00:00:43,079 the program in the past year and have 17 00:00:40,739 --> 00:00:45,989 been attending our tours and then Debbie 18 00:00:43,079 --> 00:00:48,059 who has been joining us I believe since 19 00:00:45,989 --> 00:00:50,070 the beginning I don't think since we 20 00:00:48,059 --> 00:00:52,980 first started our tours over three years 21 00:00:50,070 --> 00:00:55,469 ago Devi has been draining us and been 22 00:00:52,980 --> 00:00:57,390 part of this community all thanks to the 23 00:00:55,469 --> 00:00:59,309 hard work of Lisa Glaser he is our 24 00:00:57,390 --> 00:01:01,739 partner here at Duke Family Support 25 00:00:59,309 --> 00:01:03,930 Program and helped us to originally 26 00:01:01,739 --> 00:01:06,060 launched this program and then also at 27 00:01:03,930 --> 00:01:07,890 the table we have sandy Beeman who is 28 00:01:06,060 --> 00:01:10,890 one of our reflections gallery guides 29 00:01:07,890 --> 00:01:12,750 and will be providing that experience to 30 00:01:10,890 --> 00:01:16,259 this conversation so with that I'm going 31 00:01:12,750 --> 00:01:18,450 to turn it over thank you all we decided 32 00:01:16,259 --> 00:01:21,780 that it would be best to start from the 33 00:01:18,450 --> 00:01:22,320 participants point of view so I'm going 34 00:01:21,780 --> 00:01:27,259 to ask 35 00:01:22,320 --> 00:01:30,229 sonda and Tom in whatever order to just 36 00:01:27,259 --> 00:01:35,700 start talking 37 00:01:30,229 --> 00:01:42,990 so verify I'm the one that has cognitive 38 00:01:35,700 --> 00:01:44,850 problems so we started attending the 39 00:01:42,990 --> 00:01:48,240 Nasher Museum programs the lunch and 40 00:01:44,850 --> 00:01:51,689 learns maybe about the year ago Tom was 41 00:01:48,240 --> 00:01:55,110 diagnosed in 2012 and had had some 42 00:01:51,689 --> 00:01:57,869 symptoms earlier than that in 2011 and 43 00:01:55,110 --> 00:02:00,630 we've I've attended probably around 6 or 44 00:01:57,869 --> 00:02:02,520 the programs I continue to work so I've 45 00:02:00,630 --> 00:02:04,590 missed some but when of the nice things 46 00:02:02,520 --> 00:02:09,179 has been that Tom has still been able to 47 00:02:04,590 --> 00:02:12,569 come and I have to say I was haven't 48 00:02:09,179 --> 00:02:15,180 made time for art in my life I'm a 49 00:02:12,569 --> 00:02:18,269 see I teach nursing Public Health 50 00:02:15,180 --> 00:02:21,480 nursing and it's just with raising two 51 00:02:18,269 --> 00:02:24,659 kids and just the normal keeping things 52 00:02:21,480 --> 00:02:28,409 going art has kind of dropped off the 53 00:02:24,659 --> 00:02:32,340 radar and the programs here have really 54 00:02:28,409 --> 00:02:35,189 been fabulous it's just enriched me and 55 00:02:32,340 --> 00:02:37,139 so personally so one thought is to 56 00:02:35,189 --> 00:02:39,269 remember that this program is not just 57 00:02:37,139 --> 00:02:41,760 for the people with the disease it is 58 00:02:39,269 --> 00:02:44,030 for the family unit you know for the 59 00:02:41,760 --> 00:02:49,530 caregivers who are also at risk for 60 00:02:44,030 --> 00:02:53,129 issues so it's just been stimulating to 61 00:02:49,530 --> 00:02:55,400 me it's been enriching it's a great 62 00:02:53,129 --> 00:02:59,790 opportunity to talk with the other 63 00:02:55,400 --> 00:03:02,280 people that we have met or get to meet 64 00:02:59,790 --> 00:03:04,079 other caregivers other people that are 65 00:03:02,280 --> 00:03:08,099 struggling in the same ways that we are 66 00:03:04,079 --> 00:03:11,040 and that docents are just wonderful so I 67 00:03:08,099 --> 00:03:13,260 I just have to say it's a fabulous 68 00:03:11,040 --> 00:03:16,019 program and I'm really fortunate and 69 00:03:13,260 --> 00:03:18,419 very grateful for the partnerships that 70 00:03:16,019 --> 00:03:23,569 have undergirded this and made this 71 00:03:18,419 --> 00:03:23,569 available and it's just really valuable 72 00:03:24,530 --> 00:03:35,030 she usually does mostly I think what's 73 00:03:30,959 --> 00:03:38,099 really been the most meaningful to me is 74 00:03:35,030 --> 00:03:40,590 you know most of the time I'm alone I 75 00:03:38,099 --> 00:03:44,189 actually love to work with my hands so I 76 00:03:40,590 --> 00:03:46,769 keep my brain active by fixing things 77 00:03:44,189 --> 00:03:50,340 solving things volunteering and those 78 00:03:46,769 --> 00:03:52,349 kinds of things there will be a point 79 00:03:50,340 --> 00:03:55,919 probably sometime soon where I won't be 80 00:03:52,349 --> 00:03:59,519 able to drive anymore but I'm still I 81 00:03:55,919 --> 00:04:03,120 passed a test actually was it six months 82 00:03:59,519 --> 00:04:09,389 ago or something so but um so if you see 83 00:04:03,120 --> 00:04:13,829 me driving you know I think I'm still 84 00:04:09,389 --> 00:04:16,380 allowed to drive so but anyway um I 85 00:04:13,829 --> 00:04:18,030 guess one of the things that I even were 86 00:04:16,380 --> 00:04:21,229 talking about the programs here one of 87 00:04:18,030 --> 00:04:25,880 the things I really have appreciated is 88 00:04:21,229 --> 00:04:31,090 the docents and they're open 89 00:04:25,880 --> 00:04:34,910 this to engaging us as part of the 90 00:04:31,090 --> 00:04:36,620 participants and let you know I guess 91 00:04:34,910 --> 00:04:39,050 what I've enjoyed is is the mental 92 00:04:36,620 --> 00:04:42,140 stimulation because when you're looking 93 00:04:39,050 --> 00:04:44,510 at a piece of artwork there's a lot of 94 00:04:42,140 --> 00:04:46,370 things that kind of spin in your head 95 00:04:44,510 --> 00:04:50,450 things that you make connection with 96 00:04:46,370 --> 00:04:54,650 connections with even going back a 97 00:04:50,450 --> 00:04:57,200 number of years for example I know that 98 00:04:54,650 --> 00:04:58,460 there was a exhibit you know I don't 99 00:04:57,200 --> 00:05:01,220 know maybe it was a year ago or 100 00:04:58,460 --> 00:05:03,140 something like that but you know it had 101 00:05:01,220 --> 00:05:06,230 to do with sort of a lot of the pictures 102 00:05:03,140 --> 00:05:09,080 uh in the Appalachian Mountains 103 00:05:06,230 --> 00:05:12,680 and I have spent a lot of time doing 104 00:05:09,080 --> 00:05:16,180 that backpacking and hiking and knowing 105 00:05:12,680 --> 00:05:19,730 something about the Appalachian culture 106 00:05:16,180 --> 00:05:23,600 so that that stimulated me and I guess 107 00:05:19,730 --> 00:05:26,330 what I enjoyed doing is not so much 108 00:05:23,600 --> 00:05:28,460 always asking questions but making 109 00:05:26,330 --> 00:05:32,150 comments on what I was observing with 110 00:05:28,460 --> 00:05:35,090 the art and he sometimes would have 111 00:05:32,150 --> 00:05:37,940 discussions as we move around so that 112 00:05:35,090 --> 00:05:39,470 was very it was better sitting at home 113 00:05:37,940 --> 00:05:42,050 I'll tell you that and I'm more 114 00:05:39,470 --> 00:05:44,690 stimulating for me and I've never never 115 00:05:42,050 --> 00:05:47,270 been a person that like spent hours and 116 00:05:44,690 --> 00:05:50,680 hours and Minicon too many art museums 117 00:05:47,270 --> 00:05:54,110 but I've gone to a fair amount and I 118 00:05:50,680 --> 00:05:57,590 really appreciate that and you may have 119 00:05:54,110 --> 00:06:01,640 heard as well as about the afterward 120 00:05:57,590 --> 00:06:04,430 oftentimes of the tour there's some time 121 00:06:01,640 --> 00:06:05,690 where we kind of create things so we're 122 00:06:04,430 --> 00:06:09,050 drawing and you've probably heard about 123 00:06:05,690 --> 00:06:13,330 that so I won't go into that it's okay 124 00:06:09,050 --> 00:06:16,070 to go into that well 125 00:06:13,330 --> 00:06:18,100 again Nick again that act that has it 126 00:06:16,070 --> 00:06:21,470 been really good for me to sort of 127 00:06:18,100 --> 00:06:25,340 activate not only I'm not creating what 128 00:06:21,470 --> 00:06:27,560 I saw but drawing and doing all kinds of 129 00:06:25,340 --> 00:06:32,120 other art work has has been has been 130 00:06:27,560 --> 00:06:34,190 very useful to me to engage and to share 131 00:06:32,120 --> 00:06:35,870 with others oftentimes we have a lot of 132 00:06:34,190 --> 00:06:37,729 these materials in front of us and we're 133 00:06:35,870 --> 00:06:38,820 all kind of sitting around you know hey 134 00:06:37,729 --> 00:06:43,330 can I borrow 135 00:06:38,820 --> 00:06:46,240 so there's again more interactions what 136 00:06:43,330 --> 00:06:48,330 surprised you the most about your 137 00:06:46,240 --> 00:06:52,870 experience here 138 00:06:48,330 --> 00:06:55,330 well again most of my experiences with 139 00:06:52,870 --> 00:06:58,420 arted to spend like walking around with 140 00:06:55,330 --> 00:07:03,430 museum with no interaction you know 141 00:06:58,420 --> 00:07:07,240 looking at you know some visual artwork 142 00:07:03,430 --> 00:07:10,540 and I guess what's meant a lot to me is 143 00:07:07,240 --> 00:07:13,510 that it's the experience is more than 144 00:07:10,540 --> 00:07:14,860 just looking at artists standing there 145 00:07:13,510 --> 00:07:17,500 in front of a piece of art and 146 00:07:14,860 --> 00:07:22,690 discussing it and the dozens have been 147 00:07:17,500 --> 00:07:27,090 very good about asking questions and 148 00:07:22,690 --> 00:07:30,520 again I enjoy answering questions and 149 00:07:27,090 --> 00:07:33,430 asking questions so that's been a very 150 00:07:30,520 --> 00:07:36,460 good thing for me to continue to 151 00:07:33,430 --> 00:07:38,410 stimulate my thinking and to appreciate 152 00:07:36,460 --> 00:07:43,270 our more than probably I've done in the 153 00:07:38,410 --> 00:07:45,970 past Tom can I just say we've also at 154 00:07:43,270 --> 00:07:47,440 least I've really appreciated the I mean 155 00:07:45,970 --> 00:07:50,440 I've learned a lot about the artist and 156 00:07:47,440 --> 00:07:52,330 about the time period and it just 157 00:07:50,440 --> 00:07:56,050 creates a lot of new perspective so it's 158 00:07:52,330 --> 00:07:59,050 really helping our respective neurons to 159 00:07:56,050 --> 00:08:00,280 grow and connect matter so I think all 160 00:07:59,050 --> 00:08:02,920 in all it's really great for brain 161 00:08:00,280 --> 00:08:05,790 health but that doesn't sometimes I've 162 00:08:02,920 --> 00:08:09,790 had additional pictures or video clips 163 00:08:05,790 --> 00:08:12,310 to to augment that you know really 164 00:08:09,790 --> 00:08:15,310 learning about that one artist and the 165 00:08:12,310 --> 00:08:16,870 artwork that he or she created and to me 166 00:08:15,310 --> 00:08:18,910 that it's just been really exciting to 167 00:08:16,870 --> 00:08:23,170 feel better connected with the artist 168 00:08:18,910 --> 00:08:26,770 and I really appreciated the music 169 00:08:23,170 --> 00:08:29,410 they'll bring in small groups that will 170 00:08:26,770 --> 00:08:33,220 come and play most of it it's acoustical 171 00:08:29,410 --> 00:08:38,500 music and oftentimes it's somewhat 172 00:08:33,220 --> 00:08:41,290 related to the gallery that has work 173 00:08:38,500 --> 00:08:44,440 that might kind of connect in some way 174 00:08:41,290 --> 00:08:47,710 but that's been very meaningful to me as 175 00:08:44,440 --> 00:08:49,980 well one thing that is unique I think 176 00:08:47,710 --> 00:08:52,590 about your experiences 177 00:08:49,980 --> 00:08:55,100 Tom because of their relationship with 178 00:08:52,590 --> 00:08:59,610 our larger early-stage Alzheimer's 179 00:08:55,100 --> 00:09:03,200 community has been able to make has a 180 00:08:59,610 --> 00:09:05,850 friend who also has a working wife and 181 00:09:03,200 --> 00:09:09,300 sometimes the two guys have been able to 182 00:09:05,850 --> 00:09:11,760 come to this together and that allowed 183 00:09:09,300 --> 00:09:15,270 him to participate when Fonda wasn't 184 00:09:11,760 --> 00:09:17,220 able to and I don't know Thunder Tom do 185 00:09:15,270 --> 00:09:21,510 you want to say anything about that if 186 00:09:17,220 --> 00:09:23,760 that's sort of an ad hoc to this program 187 00:09:21,510 --> 00:09:28,680 but it didn't make a difference I think 188 00:09:23,760 --> 00:09:31,020 I think so yes it's nice to number one 189 00:09:28,680 --> 00:09:36,120 we get to know participants in the 190 00:09:31,020 --> 00:09:38,340 Alzheimer groups and it's great to be in 191 00:09:36,120 --> 00:09:40,590 a different venue and to interact with 192 00:09:38,340 --> 00:09:43,350 them and share things with them as well 193 00:09:40,590 --> 00:09:46,440 you know that's been really valuable 194 00:09:43,350 --> 00:09:48,030 because I'll miss the programs in the 195 00:09:46,440 --> 00:09:51,420 fall and spring because I'll be teaching 196 00:09:48,030 --> 00:09:53,370 again on Wednesdays and it is so it's 197 00:09:51,420 --> 00:09:55,890 comforting for me to know that tom has 198 00:09:53,370 --> 00:09:57,960 still has an opportunity to take 199 00:09:55,890 --> 00:10:00,780 advantage of even though I can't you 200 00:09:57,960 --> 00:10:04,740 know be with him and I know the group is 201 00:10:00,780 --> 00:10:07,200 always very welcoming in supportive both 202 00:10:04,740 --> 00:10:09,720 of them coming together or with his wife 203 00:10:07,200 --> 00:10:13,020 when she can come so we we try to trade 204 00:10:09,720 --> 00:10:16,440 on some people may not know about the 205 00:10:13,020 --> 00:10:19,310 music component we call our group within 206 00:10:16,440 --> 00:10:22,200 reflections we call it look and lunch 207 00:10:19,310 --> 00:10:25,500 except every other month when it's look 208 00:10:22,200 --> 00:10:27,840 listen and lunch and that's because 209 00:10:25,500 --> 00:10:30,270 we've been that able and we're even 210 00:10:27,840 --> 00:10:32,940 really fortunate that Jessica was able 211 00:10:30,270 --> 00:10:35,700 to add music some of which I guess you 212 00:10:32,940 --> 00:10:37,970 heard yesterday one of the musicians 213 00:10:35,700 --> 00:10:41,670 that played for us was here yesterday 214 00:10:37,970 --> 00:10:44,460 and that was also I mean I think that's 215 00:10:41,670 --> 00:10:49,140 been a great addition it's been stellar 216 00:10:44,460 --> 00:10:51,150 music we had a sitar I volunteered in 217 00:10:49,140 --> 00:10:53,880 India so that brought lots of wonderful 218 00:10:51,150 --> 00:10:57,800 memories back for me to hear that music 219 00:10:53,880 --> 00:11:00,540 again created again a lot of global 220 00:10:57,800 --> 00:11:02,520 opportunities to be thinking about that 221 00:11:00,540 --> 00:11:05,820 we are global society 222 00:11:02,520 --> 00:11:08,070 and it's just been excellent I mean and 223 00:11:05,820 --> 00:11:11,100 you're real close you get to see the 224 00:11:08,070 --> 00:11:13,920 performer and I think it's good for the 225 00:11:11,100 --> 00:11:17,550 performer to to to know that the 226 00:11:13,920 --> 00:11:18,720 audience looks like anybody else but you 227 00:11:17,550 --> 00:11:22,200 know some of the members are having 228 00:11:18,720 --> 00:11:27,390 significant problems I want to say 229 00:11:22,200 --> 00:11:30,390 anything about lunch that's a part of 230 00:11:27,390 --> 00:11:33,600 the program hmm well lunch is optional 231 00:11:30,390 --> 00:11:36,960 for most people's day and it's been very 232 00:11:33,600 --> 00:11:39,780 nice to socialize and so either you 233 00:11:36,960 --> 00:11:42,330 attend the hour and a half 10:30 to 234 00:11:39,780 --> 00:11:44,580 12:00 to or in the morning and then stay 235 00:11:42,330 --> 00:11:47,970 for lunch or you come early and you 236 00:11:44,580 --> 00:11:51,600 attend the 1:30 to 3 program so lunch is 237 00:11:47,970 --> 00:11:54,540 leisurely we all sit together and you 238 00:11:51,600 --> 00:11:56,280 know put tables together and not all of 239 00:11:54,540 --> 00:11:59,280 us together but we're close enough that 240 00:11:56,280 --> 00:12:02,010 we can converse and move around if we if 241 00:11:59,280 --> 00:12:03,990 we want to food is great it's nice to 242 00:12:02,010 --> 00:12:07,790 get out not to cook not to deal with 243 00:12:03,990 --> 00:12:11,520 dishes so yes that's definitely an added 244 00:12:07,790 --> 00:12:16,530 bonus and it's nice to support the 245 00:12:11,520 --> 00:12:18,690 museum anything else that you'd like to 246 00:12:16,530 --> 00:12:24,270 mention about the effect of the program 247 00:12:18,690 --> 00:12:29,000 on you I think I may come more often 248 00:12:24,270 --> 00:12:34,340 because Sanda has to work many times I 249 00:12:29,000 --> 00:12:40,070 guess if again it stimulates me and 250 00:12:34,340 --> 00:12:42,330 again I meet new people and I appreciate 251 00:12:40,070 --> 00:12:46,890 different docents that have different 252 00:12:42,330 --> 00:12:49,890 perspectives and they seem very open to 253 00:12:46,890 --> 00:12:53,510 having participation in questions at 254 00:12:49,890 --> 00:12:58,200 just slightly not so much like a 255 00:12:53,510 --> 00:13:01,560 didactic approach but they encourage 256 00:12:58,200 --> 00:13:03,450 people who want to ask questions and 257 00:13:01,560 --> 00:13:06,120 then oftentimes in the gallery there's 258 00:13:03,450 --> 00:13:08,490 there's a discussion right in front of 259 00:13:06,120 --> 00:13:11,180 the piece of artwork because a lot of 260 00:13:08,490 --> 00:13:14,450 people want to sort of chime in 261 00:13:11,180 --> 00:13:18,590 and as questions move on to Debbie's 262 00:13:14,450 --> 00:13:20,750 okay well I was in on the bottom floor 263 00:13:18,590 --> 00:13:23,120 of the program when it started and my 264 00:13:20,750 --> 00:13:26,810 husband Tony and I moved down here from 265 00:13:23,120 --> 00:13:34,220 the Eastern Shore almost three years ago 266 00:13:26,810 --> 00:13:38,060 and he died last year of Lewy body and 267 00:13:34,220 --> 00:13:42,320 Alzheimer's but he came all the time I 268 00:13:38,060 --> 00:13:48,470 mean we came every month and I have to 269 00:13:42,320 --> 00:13:52,840 say that there you were 270 00:13:48,470 --> 00:13:52,840 I was said I was going to bring that up 271 00:13:53,620 --> 00:14:01,610 he had had great speech difficulty right 272 00:13:57,530 --> 00:14:06,140 off the bat and the docents bent over 273 00:14:01,610 --> 00:14:09,430 backwards to try and understand what he 274 00:14:06,140 --> 00:14:12,740 was trying to say and we're patient and 275 00:14:09,430 --> 00:14:14,540 they got it I mean me I can't say enough 276 00:14:12,740 --> 00:14:16,990 about the docents they they are the 277 00:14:14,540 --> 00:14:20,710 things that people who make the program 278 00:14:16,990 --> 00:14:24,380 because we could come in here and be 279 00:14:20,710 --> 00:14:28,430 totally relaxed I didn't have to worry 280 00:14:24,380 --> 00:14:30,080 somebody was going to start you know 281 00:14:28,430 --> 00:14:31,730 acting a little funny when when Tony 282 00:14:30,080 --> 00:14:33,980 couldn't say what he wanted to say and 283 00:14:31,730 --> 00:14:37,160 and yet they just took care of it 284 00:14:33,980 --> 00:14:40,880 beautifully he enjoyed it it was a place 285 00:14:37,160 --> 00:14:43,640 where he could come and not worry about 286 00:14:40,880 --> 00:14:46,700 anything he was totally relaxed and he 287 00:14:43,640 --> 00:14:51,290 wasn't agitated and you know it was just 288 00:14:46,700 --> 00:14:56,060 it was it was just great and we always 289 00:14:51,290 --> 00:14:57,860 had name tags which I think helps the 290 00:14:56,060 --> 00:14:59,960 docents because you know when you've got 291 00:14:57,860 --> 00:15:01,190 a whole bunch of people that you don't 292 00:14:59,960 --> 00:15:03,590 see all the time you can't remember 293 00:15:01,190 --> 00:15:06,020 their names and I think it made everyone 294 00:15:03,590 --> 00:15:09,950 of us feel much more welcomed to be 295 00:15:06,020 --> 00:15:17,630 addressed by name and and it made you 296 00:15:09,950 --> 00:15:19,460 part of the group and that picture one 297 00:15:17,630 --> 00:15:21,860 of the programs we we were doing 298 00:15:19,460 --> 00:15:23,450 something to do it with costumes we were 299 00:15:21,860 --> 00:15:24,840 looking at different different costumes 300 00:15:23,450 --> 00:15:28,020 and so they had 301 00:15:24,840 --> 00:15:31,680 these racks of clothes and hats and furs 302 00:15:28,020 --> 00:15:34,920 and all this stuff and that told us to 303 00:15:31,680 --> 00:15:37,440 go pick him out and put him on and Tony 304 00:15:34,920 --> 00:15:39,600 had a ball that he just he just 305 00:15:37,440 --> 00:15:42,210 thoroughly clicked and and really 306 00:15:39,600 --> 00:15:45,630 enjoyed it and another one that we had 307 00:15:42,210 --> 00:15:48,180 which made me I still chuckle I've got a 308 00:15:45,630 --> 00:15:51,450 picture of it we were doing looking at 309 00:15:48,180 --> 00:15:53,820 different kinds of old masks and heavy 310 00:15:51,450 --> 00:15:57,450 you know some are working to everything 311 00:15:53,820 --> 00:16:01,200 well they had some rubber ones big full 312 00:15:57,450 --> 00:16:03,690 rubber masks and guess who put them on 313 00:16:01,200 --> 00:16:06,170 and just had a ball yeah and I've got a 314 00:16:03,690 --> 00:16:12,720 picture of him with this big green head 315 00:16:06,170 --> 00:16:14,730 and we enjoyed the the lunch part Tony 316 00:16:12,720 --> 00:16:16,650 Tony loved coming here and seeing his 317 00:16:14,730 --> 00:16:20,280 friends I mean it was it was it was a 318 00:16:16,650 --> 00:16:23,190 part of just really where you could come 319 00:16:20,280 --> 00:16:25,730 and relax and we'd learn about pictures 320 00:16:23,190 --> 00:16:31,350 and learned about different types of art 321 00:16:25,730 --> 00:16:32,880 but felt very welcomed and and just you 322 00:16:31,350 --> 00:16:35,160 didn't have to worry about anything and 323 00:16:32,880 --> 00:16:39,390 the last last few months of his life he 324 00:16:35,160 --> 00:16:42,060 was not that great but he came and he 325 00:16:39,390 --> 00:16:46,100 stayed in tune with it he really stayed 326 00:16:42,060 --> 00:16:49,800 in tune with it and and it's it's I 327 00:16:46,100 --> 00:16:52,430 enjoy it today I mean I get to come 328 00:16:49,800 --> 00:16:55,620 anyway even though I've lost him and 329 00:16:52,430 --> 00:17:01,020 they're very and I remember the first 330 00:16:55,620 --> 00:17:02,760 the first time I came after he died all 331 00:17:01,020 --> 00:17:06,240 the docents right there giving me a big 332 00:17:02,760 --> 00:17:08,670 hug and make me feel just as welcome and 333 00:17:06,240 --> 00:17:13,140 I get a lot out of the program I know 334 00:17:08,670 --> 00:17:16,200 the caregivers get a tremendous amount 335 00:17:13,140 --> 00:17:18,690 out of it I never liked Tom was saying 336 00:17:16,200 --> 00:17:21,540 you know you go into museum and look at 337 00:17:18,690 --> 00:17:24,360 art and if you're just walking through 338 00:17:21,540 --> 00:17:25,800 it you just kind of walk through and if 339 00:17:24,360 --> 00:17:27,270 nobody is there telling you something 340 00:17:25,800 --> 00:17:30,600 about it there are a lot of things you 341 00:17:27,270 --> 00:17:34,260 miss and where we come and we sit down 342 00:17:30,600 --> 00:17:36,960 in front of the painting and the docent 343 00:17:34,260 --> 00:17:39,250 might say well what do you see 344 00:17:36,960 --> 00:17:43,300 and then you start looking at the 345 00:17:39,250 --> 00:17:45,790 picture and it's absolutely amazing how 346 00:17:43,300 --> 00:17:49,000 much I have learned that you look and 347 00:17:45,790 --> 00:17:50,350 you just see so much and that I think 348 00:17:49,000 --> 00:17:52,420 that one of the big things about the 349 00:17:50,350 --> 00:17:54,910 program is that just when there's a 350 00:17:52,420 --> 00:17:56,950 whole bunch of us looking at at a pane 351 00:17:54,910 --> 00:18:00,250 you come up with many many different 352 00:17:56,950 --> 00:18:02,770 ideas and many many ideas that I never 353 00:18:00,250 --> 00:18:06,430 would have thought of in the world but 354 00:18:02,770 --> 00:18:10,360 it's it's a great program and we've also 355 00:18:06,430 --> 00:18:12,940 enjoyed the music and one day we played 356 00:18:10,360 --> 00:18:15,310 with clay I don't know what we were 357 00:18:12,940 --> 00:18:17,920 doing but we were all given a hunk of 358 00:18:15,310 --> 00:18:20,860 clay and so I don't I made I think I 359 00:18:17,920 --> 00:18:23,500 made a little Bowl well Tony wasn't into 360 00:18:20,860 --> 00:18:27,940 making too many things like that but he 361 00:18:23,500 --> 00:18:29,800 ended up making this big long wall it 362 00:18:27,940 --> 00:18:34,600 was about that taller that was just and 363 00:18:29,800 --> 00:18:38,800 what is it's a wall okay that's what he 364 00:18:34,600 --> 00:18:41,590 wanted and we did screen painting one 365 00:18:38,800 --> 00:18:44,290 time which that was it there was a lot 366 00:18:41,590 --> 00:18:49,030 of fun and we also did something one 367 00:18:44,290 --> 00:18:53,470 time where we all colored pieces on a 368 00:18:49,030 --> 00:18:56,260 paper and then it was all put together 369 00:18:53,470 --> 00:18:57,760 it was good they had drawn it was a 370 00:18:56,260 --> 00:19:00,580 pattern and then cut up in little 371 00:18:57,760 --> 00:19:03,250 squares and we all colored our own 372 00:19:00,580 --> 00:19:04,660 squares and then put them together and 373 00:19:03,250 --> 00:19:08,200 when it was all together it was 374 00:19:04,660 --> 00:19:11,740 fascinating so they come up with good 375 00:19:08,200 --> 00:19:14,830 ideas for us and I thoroughly enjoyed 376 00:19:11,740 --> 00:19:20,260 the program and I know I know my husband 377 00:19:14,830 --> 00:19:23,050 did I think it was a just a super time 378 00:19:20,260 --> 00:19:26,860 that he could come and have a good time 379 00:19:23,050 --> 00:19:30,430 and we could forget about other things 380 00:19:26,860 --> 00:19:32,220 that were going on so I thoroughly enjoy 381 00:19:30,430 --> 00:19:35,200 it very much today 382 00:19:32,220 --> 00:19:38,350 there anything that surprised you about 383 00:19:35,200 --> 00:19:40,510 the programme or about Tony's response 384 00:19:38,350 --> 00:19:43,270 to the program well some of the things 385 00:19:40,510 --> 00:19:45,130 surprised I mean he really some of 386 00:19:43,270 --> 00:19:46,690 things he really clicked them and I know 387 00:19:45,130 --> 00:19:50,110 there were some things that maybe he 388 00:19:46,690 --> 00:19:52,540 didn't but but so much he did and he 389 00:19:50,110 --> 00:19:56,049 joyed the other thing I do remember he 390 00:19:52,540 --> 00:19:59,100 enjoyed trying to answer what the docent 391 00:19:56,049 --> 00:20:02,799 would ask a question and it might be 392 00:19:59,100 --> 00:20:04,270 very difficult for him to answer but but 393 00:20:02,799 --> 00:20:07,360 they would keep at it long enough so 394 00:20:04,270 --> 00:20:09,130 they knew what he wanted and and it was 395 00:20:07,360 --> 00:20:12,220 it was very difficult for him to talk 396 00:20:09,130 --> 00:20:16,450 and but they were extremely patient and 397 00:20:12,220 --> 00:20:17,670 I cannot thank the docent enough for 398 00:20:16,450 --> 00:20:25,770 what you do 399 00:20:17,670 --> 00:20:29,770 make the program that's great I also 400 00:20:25,770 --> 00:20:32,020 remember how Tom talked about making 401 00:20:29,770 --> 00:20:35,049 connections to the past like the 402 00:20:32,020 --> 00:20:37,540 Appalachian Mountain things well Debbie 403 00:20:35,049 --> 00:20:39,970 made a really unique connection when she 404 00:20:37,540 --> 00:20:43,840 was here one time we were looking at 405 00:20:39,970 --> 00:20:46,390 tapestries woven tapestries and it turns 406 00:20:43,840 --> 00:20:49,660 out that Debbie in a former life and I 407 00:20:46,390 --> 00:20:53,679 didn't even know this about you was an 408 00:20:49,660 --> 00:20:57,130 incredibly accomplished rug maker and so 409 00:20:53,679 --> 00:21:01,630 she agreed the next month to bring in 410 00:20:57,130 --> 00:21:04,630 some of her rugs and we were able to all 411 00:21:01,630 --> 00:21:06,520 have a chance to see the rugs and to 412 00:21:04,630 --> 00:21:08,260 talk about it and make the connection 413 00:21:06,520 --> 00:21:12,309 even though it was a month later that 414 00:21:08,260 --> 00:21:14,470 was where I review yeah are there other 415 00:21:12,309 --> 00:21:18,040 things that you think are important to 416 00:21:14,470 --> 00:21:24,669 bring up about the program I'm sure 417 00:21:18,040 --> 00:21:28,780 there I have to say that Debbie isn't 418 00:21:24,669 --> 00:21:32,169 the only widow or widower who is 419 00:21:28,780 --> 00:21:35,350 participating in the program and I think 420 00:21:32,169 --> 00:21:38,200 it enriches our experience to have these 421 00:21:35,350 --> 00:21:41,080 people here who are so knowledgeable and 422 00:21:38,200 --> 00:21:44,590 so experienced and want us to hang in 423 00:21:41,080 --> 00:21:48,010 there with us and I think that's also 424 00:21:44,590 --> 00:21:50,950 been unique well you're everybody's to 425 00:21:48,010 --> 00:21:51,520 come my friend and we're like a big 426 00:21:50,950 --> 00:21:56,850 family 427 00:21:51,520 --> 00:22:00,149 and it's a great feeling 428 00:21:56,850 --> 00:22:03,029 superfood not just among the visitors I 429 00:22:00,149 --> 00:22:05,429 think but also I have never had the 430 00:22:03,029 --> 00:22:09,750 experience of going into a museum and 431 00:22:05,429 --> 00:22:11,519 knowing has to staff I know are you see 432 00:22:09,750 --> 00:22:14,039 everybody that's working there you know 433 00:22:11,519 --> 00:22:16,320 half of them by sight and a lot of them 434 00:22:14,039 --> 00:22:19,799 by name and they know your name and then 435 00:22:16,320 --> 00:22:24,570 and there so the welcoming I think 436 00:22:19,799 --> 00:22:27,090 aspect is real or really important I'm a 437 00:22:24,570 --> 00:22:29,970 social worker I'm involved with the 438 00:22:27,090 --> 00:22:33,629 support program that these people are 439 00:22:29,970 --> 00:22:37,080 all part of and I think what's unique 440 00:22:33,629 --> 00:22:39,120 about this program was that when Jessica 441 00:22:37,080 --> 00:22:42,750 and I first talked about it in one of 442 00:22:39,120 --> 00:22:46,350 those classrooms many years ago what we 443 00:22:42,750 --> 00:22:49,830 realized was people would may not be 444 00:22:46,350 --> 00:22:52,740 willing to participate in something with 445 00:22:49,830 --> 00:22:54,950 a group of strangers and so we brought 446 00:22:52,740 --> 00:22:58,139 in a group of people who were already 447 00:22:54,950 --> 00:23:01,970 connected and already meeting regularly 448 00:22:58,139 --> 00:23:05,330 and I think that this program has really 449 00:23:01,970 --> 00:23:08,970 strengthened our sense of community and 450 00:23:05,330 --> 00:23:11,220 community with Durham community with 451 00:23:08,970 --> 00:23:14,879 being partners with a museum and 452 00:23:11,220 --> 00:23:17,460 community among ourselves it's a place 453 00:23:14,879 --> 00:23:20,610 where we can regularly go to meet our 454 00:23:17,460 --> 00:23:23,820 friends where we are not talking about 455 00:23:20,610 --> 00:23:26,879 stress we are not talking about our 456 00:23:23,820 --> 00:23:29,820 problems it's not a support group in a 457 00:23:26,879 --> 00:23:33,149 formal sense that you go and talk about 458 00:23:29,820 --> 00:23:36,059 coping with issues this is a fresh 459 00:23:33,149 --> 00:23:39,419 experience one of the things I think 460 00:23:36,059 --> 00:23:42,230 people have gained from this is also a 461 00:23:39,419 --> 00:23:44,669 fresh perspective on their partners and 462 00:23:42,230 --> 00:23:47,850 I've heard this from many of the 463 00:23:44,669 --> 00:23:50,879 families is that you know I never knew 464 00:23:47,850 --> 00:23:54,269 my husband knew that or I never knew he 465 00:23:50,879 --> 00:23:58,950 had been to that place and things come 466 00:23:54,269 --> 00:24:03,779 out old memories are jogged and so for 467 00:23:58,950 --> 00:24:06,000 example we had one couple who came and 468 00:24:03,779 --> 00:24:08,760 they'd never even been in museums and 469 00:24:06,000 --> 00:24:09,260 that day we had a music program and we 470 00:24:08,760 --> 00:24:13,800 had 471 00:24:09,260 --> 00:24:17,610 flamenco musician and he brought a drum 472 00:24:13,800 --> 00:24:22,680 and the man who was not really into art 473 00:24:17,610 --> 00:24:25,140 at all got up when invited and started 474 00:24:22,680 --> 00:24:29,370 playing the drum well it turns out he 475 00:24:25,140 --> 00:24:33,540 had played the drum and his wife of many 476 00:24:29,370 --> 00:24:35,850 many years didn't know that had never 477 00:24:33,540 --> 00:24:39,320 known that he had that background and he 478 00:24:35,850 --> 00:24:42,960 was never really able to talk about it 479 00:24:39,320 --> 00:24:46,559 but he had a wonderful time we had a 480 00:24:42,960 --> 00:24:49,380 great time watching him and I think the 481 00:24:46,559 --> 00:24:53,240 other thing is in the interactive art 482 00:24:49,380 --> 00:24:57,320 programs we found people who have 483 00:24:53,240 --> 00:25:02,300 incredibley hidden talent including Tony 484 00:24:57,320 --> 00:25:05,670 and who are suddenly able to look at 485 00:25:02,300 --> 00:25:08,100 what they can do in a whole new way and 486 00:25:05,670 --> 00:25:11,460 their partners and their friends from 487 00:25:08,100 --> 00:25:15,210 the group are also able to look at it in 488 00:25:11,460 --> 00:25:18,000 a whole new way I just want to make a 489 00:25:15,210 --> 00:25:20,880 couple of comments from the staff 490 00:25:18,000 --> 00:25:23,790 perspective about what I think makes 491 00:25:20,880 --> 00:25:29,900 this program really work in addition to 492 00:25:23,790 --> 00:25:33,330 the fabulous the fabulous doses and 493 00:25:29,900 --> 00:25:37,080 Jessica and everyone on the staff here 494 00:25:33,330 --> 00:25:42,150 and that is all the behind the scenes 495 00:25:37,080 --> 00:25:46,440 work in terms of logistics what makes 496 00:25:42,150 --> 00:25:50,300 this program work for us is that we send 497 00:25:46,440 --> 00:25:53,400 out reminders once a month who's coming 498 00:25:50,300 --> 00:25:55,740 what the program is Jessica tells us 499 00:25:53,400 --> 00:25:58,620 what to expect what the sometimes what 500 00:25:55,740 --> 00:26:01,710 the theme is sometimes what the music is 501 00:25:58,620 --> 00:26:03,960 going to be about and we get that out to 502 00:26:01,710 --> 00:26:06,900 everyone in our two groups who might 503 00:26:03,960 --> 00:26:09,750 participate in this and then they have a 504 00:26:06,900 --> 00:26:13,770 chance to respond and they can respond 505 00:26:09,750 --> 00:26:15,150 to a be master who is the linchpin 506 00:26:13,770 --> 00:26:18,390 behind all of this 507 00:26:15,150 --> 00:26:21,150 and is the social worker at in our group 508 00:26:18,390 --> 00:26:22,950 in addition to Ginelli smith who's 509 00:26:21,150 --> 00:26:25,950 sitting right there 510 00:26:22,950 --> 00:26:28,290 who has also been involved from the 511 00:26:25,950 --> 00:26:32,850 almost from the last two years every 512 00:26:28,290 --> 00:26:36,810 time but Bobby is the communication 513 00:26:32,850 --> 00:26:38,910 point and up until people have things 514 00:26:36,810 --> 00:26:41,790 that happen to them in their daily life 515 00:26:38,910 --> 00:26:44,580 so they can plan a week in advance they 516 00:26:41,790 --> 00:26:46,920 can sign up for lunch so that we know in 517 00:26:44,580 --> 00:26:49,830 advance how to arrange the tables and 518 00:26:46,920 --> 00:26:52,470 how to reserve our tables for our group 519 00:26:49,830 --> 00:26:55,290 so that they can go right into lunch and 520 00:26:52,470 --> 00:26:57,600 meet each other at lunch the morning in 521 00:26:55,290 --> 00:27:00,060 the afternoon groups meet well that 522 00:26:57,600 --> 00:27:02,790 takes a heck of a lot of behind the 523 00:27:00,060 --> 00:27:05,730 scenes logistics so we appreciate it but 524 00:27:02,790 --> 00:27:08,250 it's just I mean it's not me it's Bobby 525 00:27:05,730 --> 00:27:10,830 and Janelle a for the most part they 526 00:27:08,250 --> 00:27:13,560 really make that work and one of the 527 00:27:10,830 --> 00:27:16,710 things they do is they give out their so 528 00:27:13,560 --> 00:27:18,930 numbers and so the people if something 529 00:27:16,710 --> 00:27:23,040 happens last minute we have people who 530 00:27:18,930 --> 00:27:25,620 get lost who we said intricate GPS 531 00:27:23,040 --> 00:27:28,380 directions and parking directions and 532 00:27:25,620 --> 00:27:31,170 everything but people get lost they get 533 00:27:28,380 --> 00:27:33,150 delayed something happens and they can 534 00:27:31,170 --> 00:27:35,220 always let us know whether to wait for 535 00:27:33,150 --> 00:27:38,310 them or not and then they get here and 536 00:27:35,220 --> 00:27:43,110 jessica has these wonderful large print 537 00:27:38,310 --> 00:27:46,910 nametags waiting for us and I agree with 538 00:27:43,110 --> 00:27:49,710 you all that the name tags really help 539 00:27:46,910 --> 00:27:53,460 people like being called by their names 540 00:27:49,710 --> 00:27:56,040 and they also like being reminded of the 541 00:27:53,460 --> 00:27:59,580 other people's name we're all not very 542 00:27:56,040 --> 00:28:02,400 good with names so I think that's 543 00:27:59,580 --> 00:28:05,880 another thing that helps I think the 544 00:28:02,400 --> 00:28:08,310 unique features of this program are that 545 00:28:05,880 --> 00:28:12,720 we all have something we can learn 546 00:28:08,310 --> 00:28:15,150 that's new and fresh I think we all also 547 00:28:12,720 --> 00:28:18,270 learn from the different styles of the 548 00:28:15,150 --> 00:28:21,180 docents and we learn one of the things 549 00:28:18,270 --> 00:28:23,550 I've learned from this is that just like 550 00:28:21,180 --> 00:28:26,910 in support groups it's not all doom and 551 00:28:23,550 --> 00:28:30,780 gloom there's a ton of humor that is 552 00:28:26,910 --> 00:28:32,880 brought out by contemporary art and it's 553 00:28:30,780 --> 00:28:36,450 brought out by the people in our group 554 00:28:32,880 --> 00:28:40,919 and their responses to each other and 555 00:28:36,450 --> 00:28:45,059 and that makes it fun I would think for 556 00:28:40,919 --> 00:28:49,070 the docents as well as for us I have one 557 00:28:45,059 --> 00:28:52,289 confession to make when I first started 558 00:28:49,070 --> 00:28:55,080 talking with Jessica and the former 559 00:28:52,289 --> 00:28:58,590 director of the program about getting 560 00:28:55,080 --> 00:29:02,850 this started it was purely personal 561 00:28:58,590 --> 00:29:07,559 I had minored in college 100 years ago 562 00:29:02,850 --> 00:29:10,679 in art history I had always wanted to be 563 00:29:07,559 --> 00:29:14,340 in a museum and I wanted to find a way 564 00:29:10,679 --> 00:29:21,590 to make this program work within the 565 00:29:14,340 --> 00:29:26,220 context of my day job but I had no idea 566 00:29:21,590 --> 00:29:30,090 what how creative a program could be as 567 00:29:26,220 --> 00:29:32,419 it developed around a specific group of 568 00:29:30,090 --> 00:29:35,940 people who stayed relatively 569 00:29:32,419 --> 00:29:40,440 consistently we added new people we went 570 00:29:35,940 --> 00:29:43,590 from one group a day I mean once a month 571 00:29:40,440 --> 00:29:46,889 to two groups would once a month 572 00:29:43,590 --> 00:29:49,320 we're now up to putting caps and we tell 573 00:29:46,889 --> 00:29:52,950 people it's first-come first-serve and 574 00:29:49,320 --> 00:29:55,919 they answer Bobby's emails within 3 575 00:29:52,950 --> 00:29:58,080 minutes of the time she sends them out 576 00:29:55,919 --> 00:30:01,950 because they're afraid that they won't 577 00:29:58,080 --> 00:30:03,989 get in to that month's program so we 578 00:30:01,950 --> 00:30:06,090 have turned something that we wanted to 579 00:30:03,989 --> 00:30:10,259 do into something in the community 580 00:30:06,090 --> 00:30:13,470 that's recognized as really hot and 581 00:30:10,259 --> 00:30:17,009 really desirable and something that 582 00:30:13,470 --> 00:30:19,440 other communities want to emulate and I 583 00:30:17,009 --> 00:30:22,440 think a lot of that is attributable to 584 00:30:19,440 --> 00:30:26,129 the incredible dedication and creativity 585 00:30:22,440 --> 00:30:29,340 of the staff who are willing to learn 586 00:30:26,129 --> 00:30:32,759 from all the models but we made this our 587 00:30:29,340 --> 00:30:36,389 own and there is no other program like 588 00:30:32,759 --> 00:30:39,450 the Nasher and we have one man in our 589 00:30:36,389 --> 00:30:43,590 group who whenever he refers to any 590 00:30:39,450 --> 00:30:47,489 group gathering of our support groups no 591 00:30:43,590 --> 00:30:48,650 matter what context it's in calls all of 592 00:30:47,489 --> 00:30:53,390 them the Nasher 593 00:30:48,650 --> 00:30:56,360 and everything good in his life is well 594 00:30:53,390 --> 00:30:59,559 are we going to the Nasher today whether 595 00:30:56,360 --> 00:31:03,020 it's a support group meeting are another 596 00:30:59,559 --> 00:31:05,990 event that lecture whatever it's the 597 00:31:03,020 --> 00:31:09,170 Nasher and I think part of it is the 598 00:31:05,990 --> 00:31:12,080 pictures you're seeing up there they 599 00:31:09,170 --> 00:31:14,210 really say it all so I didn't mean to 600 00:31:12,080 --> 00:31:17,660 take all your time sanding but feel like 601 00:31:14,210 --> 00:31:21,770 I saved the best for last 602 00:31:17,660 --> 00:31:23,450 I first of all just want to say how 603 00:31:21,770 --> 00:31:26,059 grateful I am to be part of this 604 00:31:23,450 --> 00:31:27,860 community and and that's really what it 605 00:31:26,059 --> 00:31:30,140 feels like to I think all of us who are 606 00:31:27,860 --> 00:31:31,910 gallery guides in this program and I'm 607 00:31:30,140 --> 00:31:33,380 not going to try to represent everybody 608 00:31:31,910 --> 00:31:36,110 here I'm just going to tell you a little 609 00:31:33,380 --> 00:31:38,780 bit about me and and what I've gained 610 00:31:36,110 --> 00:31:40,190 from this and I was thinking over the 611 00:31:38,780 --> 00:31:42,470 last couple of days about what I wanted 612 00:31:40,190 --> 00:31:44,900 to say and I thought about that first 613 00:31:42,470 --> 00:31:47,270 exercise we did about identity right and 614 00:31:44,900 --> 00:31:49,490 he started with this list of 20 615 00:31:47,270 --> 00:31:51,770 different things about you this is what 616 00:31:49,490 --> 00:31:53,570 we did our first day here and we had to 617 00:31:51,770 --> 00:31:57,200 keep narrowing it down and taking out 618 00:31:53,570 --> 00:31:59,059 identities and came up with one so the 619 00:31:57,200 --> 00:32:01,460 one thing you all know about me is I'm a 620 00:31:59,059 --> 00:32:03,190 gallery guy right but there were all 621 00:32:01,460 --> 00:32:07,550 these other things that I think informed 622 00:32:03,190 --> 00:32:10,550 me and why I am part of this program and 623 00:32:07,550 --> 00:32:13,160 and what I gained from from being it 624 00:32:10,550 --> 00:32:16,760 part of it and some of those things are 625 00:32:13,160 --> 00:32:18,350 that lease is a secret artist but I have 626 00:32:16,760 --> 00:32:20,150 a background in social work and I used 627 00:32:18,350 --> 00:32:23,330 to be a Social Work educator and 628 00:32:20,150 --> 00:32:25,130 researcher so I bring that and now I'm 629 00:32:23,330 --> 00:32:29,090 currently an artist and that I bring 630 00:32:25,130 --> 00:32:31,520 that to this to this group I also feel 631 00:32:29,090 --> 00:32:33,920 like this is part of my contribution to 632 00:32:31,520 --> 00:32:36,530 my community and I mean that at all 633 00:32:33,920 --> 00:32:38,990 levels my local community community of 634 00:32:36,530 --> 00:32:40,700 people you know people in the US people 635 00:32:38,990 --> 00:32:43,750 in North Carolina this is something that 636 00:32:40,700 --> 00:32:49,280 that I do to strengthen and contribute 637 00:32:43,750 --> 00:32:53,210 to the community and then I was thinking 638 00:32:49,280 --> 00:32:55,010 about what Laurel said at one time she 639 00:32:53,210 --> 00:32:56,929 had a list of different things about 640 00:32:55,010 --> 00:32:58,490 their program that she thought it 641 00:32:56,929 --> 00:33:00,050 brought and some of those really 642 00:32:58,490 --> 00:33:02,720 resonated with me as I was thinking 643 00:33:00,050 --> 00:33:07,130 about this 644 00:33:02,720 --> 00:33:08,809 and things like exploring and I feel 645 00:33:07,130 --> 00:33:10,850 like every time we come together as a 646 00:33:08,809 --> 00:33:13,159 group that's what we're doing together 647 00:33:10,850 --> 00:33:15,830 we're not up there lecturing we're not 648 00:33:13,159 --> 00:33:17,539 up there saying here's all the 649 00:33:15,830 --> 00:33:20,030 information you need to know about this 650 00:33:17,539 --> 00:33:22,010 artwork we're exploring together and we 651 00:33:20,030 --> 00:33:24,080 learn as gallery guides I know I do I 652 00:33:22,010 --> 00:33:26,179 learn a little something new about an 653 00:33:24,080 --> 00:33:29,090 artwork every time I talk about it with 654 00:33:26,179 --> 00:33:30,440 this group and tom was talking about how 655 00:33:29,090 --> 00:33:32,150 people have questions and want to 656 00:33:30,440 --> 00:33:35,590 discuss and it's just it's just so 657 00:33:32,150 --> 00:33:39,260 excellent we you know we sit quietly 658 00:33:35,590 --> 00:33:42,110 nobody's in a rush to respond nobody's 659 00:33:39,260 --> 00:33:45,230 going to rush anyone in response we sort 660 00:33:42,110 --> 00:33:47,150 of let it let it evolve as we go so we 661 00:33:45,230 --> 00:33:50,620 explore those together and I really feel 662 00:33:47,150 --> 00:33:53,809 like we're doing that as a group 663 00:33:50,620 --> 00:33:56,809 connecting you know and Debbie talked 664 00:33:53,809 --> 00:33:59,419 about coming after Tony died and this 665 00:33:56,809 --> 00:34:02,720 community of people I ghin I feel very 666 00:33:59,419 --> 00:34:08,330 connected to everybody that comes and 667 00:34:02,720 --> 00:34:10,550 each time we we do a tour we connect a 668 00:34:08,330 --> 00:34:14,480 little bit more we're connecting about 669 00:34:10,550 --> 00:34:15,800 the art we're connecting emotionally so 670 00:34:14,480 --> 00:34:17,480 that's a really that that really 671 00:34:15,800 --> 00:34:20,929 resonated with me when when Laurel 672 00:34:17,480 --> 00:34:22,730 mentioned connection sharing you know 673 00:34:20,929 --> 00:34:25,609 we're sharing our impressions of the art 674 00:34:22,730 --> 00:34:27,470 we're sharing our talents in the art 675 00:34:25,609 --> 00:34:32,030 room when we come together and create 676 00:34:27,470 --> 00:34:34,040 something and then the last thing that 677 00:34:32,030 --> 00:34:36,470 she mentioned that made sense to me with 678 00:34:34,040 --> 00:34:39,800 that idea of transcending and I think 679 00:34:36,470 --> 00:34:41,629 all of us kind of transcend all the 680 00:34:39,800 --> 00:34:44,179 different limitations we bring and all 681 00:34:41,629 --> 00:34:47,899 the spring moves and it's just really an 682 00:34:44,179 --> 00:34:50,540 opportunity to be together and explore 683 00:34:47,899 --> 00:34:53,359 the art and not think about what our 684 00:34:50,540 --> 00:34:59,119 limitations are that's all I really have 685 00:34:53,359 --> 00:35:01,609 to say one comment I don't like sitting 686 00:34:59,119 --> 00:35:06,349 that long but it's great when you 687 00:35:01,609 --> 00:35:08,500 cluster around a piece of artwork you 688 00:35:06,349 --> 00:35:11,900 can actually sit and rest and focus 689 00:35:08,500 --> 00:35:14,990 rather than kind of just swaying or kind 690 00:35:11,900 --> 00:35:16,460 of see or those kinds of things so that 691 00:35:14,990 --> 00:35:20,839 actually 692 00:35:16,460 --> 00:35:23,359 weeds maybe two more fought unless you 693 00:35:20,839 --> 00:35:25,130 know just standing and you know thinking 694 00:35:23,359 --> 00:35:27,170 you're going to move on immediately 695 00:35:25,130 --> 00:35:27,950 we kind of take our time we're pretty 696 00:35:27,170 --> 00:35:29,330 flexible 697 00:35:27,950 --> 00:35:33,410 I think somebody asked that the other 698 00:35:29,330 --> 00:35:35,660 day about I think it was in the music 699 00:35:33,410 --> 00:35:37,599 group that what if the music goes longer 700 00:35:35,660 --> 00:35:40,010 people want to just sit and listen and 701 00:35:37,599 --> 00:35:41,660 we're we're all pretty flexible as 702 00:35:40,010 --> 00:35:44,030 gallery guides in terms of we're going 703 00:35:41,660 --> 00:35:45,320 we're going to skip that piece or you 704 00:35:44,030 --> 00:35:47,000 know we're going to spend only two 705 00:35:45,320 --> 00:35:50,240 minutes there and we do it kind of on 706 00:35:47,000 --> 00:35:52,000 the fly we work together in pairs and we 707 00:35:50,240 --> 00:35:53,900 read each other's signals pretty well 708 00:35:52,000 --> 00:35:55,790 non-verbally you can just make a little 709 00:35:53,900 --> 00:35:59,420 motion and you know what that person met 710 00:35:55,790 --> 00:36:02,300 it's a small group of us who do do these 711 00:35:59,420 --> 00:36:06,650 these tours so we we work together to 712 00:36:02,300 --> 00:36:09,560 develop the tour each month we pair up 713 00:36:06,650 --> 00:36:12,160 to do the tours together so we we're a 714 00:36:09,560 --> 00:36:15,440 pretty tight group of of gallery guides 715 00:36:12,160 --> 00:36:17,330 what you do you do change times because 716 00:36:15,440 --> 00:36:20,780 we could get talking about one painting 717 00:36:17,330 --> 00:36:22,640 and be on it for a long time and I can 718 00:36:20,780 --> 00:36:25,010 see somebody's looking at their watch I 719 00:36:22,640 --> 00:36:28,910 think okay we will maybe not see that 720 00:36:25,010 --> 00:36:33,050 one skip on to the third yeah I've 721 00:36:28,910 --> 00:36:35,420 really enjoyed the themes but a lot of 722 00:36:33,050 --> 00:36:37,430 thought and time I know have gone into 723 00:36:35,420 --> 00:36:40,760 the planning that the docents have fun 724 00:36:37,430 --> 00:36:44,839 and you know the same and having a chunk 725 00:36:40,760 --> 00:36:47,599 of the museum that's manageable you know 726 00:36:44,839 --> 00:36:49,760 and digestible is really I think very 727 00:36:47,599 --> 00:36:51,410 very helpful so I really appreciated 728 00:36:49,760 --> 00:36:53,480 that and we work together to develop 729 00:36:51,410 --> 00:36:55,869 those each month and then think about an 730 00:36:53,480 --> 00:36:58,849 artwork in the different galleries and 731 00:36:55,869 --> 00:37:00,320 make some stretches sometimes about how 732 00:36:58,849 --> 00:37:03,080 to connect into a theme but it usually 733 00:37:00,320 --> 00:37:05,180 works pretty well and then either the 734 00:37:03,080 --> 00:37:08,510 music or the artwork also connects to 735 00:37:05,180 --> 00:37:11,180 them yeah the artwork well both of that 736 00:37:08,510 --> 00:37:13,070 that integration Tom came up when we 737 00:37:11,180 --> 00:37:15,349 were talking about this yesterday the 738 00:37:13,070 --> 00:37:18,260 phrase it cultivates the artist within 739 00:37:15,349 --> 00:37:21,560 and and that's really what the program 740 00:37:18,260 --> 00:37:26,270 does no matter how far we have to reach 741 00:37:21,560 --> 00:37:28,059 in for that artist or back in time that 742 00:37:26,270 --> 00:37:31,359 it really has brought that you know 743 00:37:28,059 --> 00:37:35,319 more to the forefront so that one of the 744 00:37:31,359 --> 00:37:37,930 artists the crafts if it's a craft 745 00:37:35,319 --> 00:37:40,180 always links to an artist and so one 746 00:37:37,930 --> 00:37:42,400 time we worked on a collage and the 747 00:37:40,180 --> 00:37:45,759 artist that we looked at one of the 748 00:37:42,400 --> 00:37:49,930 signature features the people in some of 749 00:37:45,759 --> 00:37:51,039 the paintings had yellow gloves I all 750 00:37:49,930 --> 00:37:52,809 right can't remember the name of that 751 00:37:51,039 --> 00:37:56,079 argument yes that's not one of our 752 00:37:52,809 --> 00:37:59,140 current exhibits okay and so Tommen has 753 00:37:56,079 --> 00:38:01,689 Tana I had a lot of fun putting that 754 00:37:59,140 --> 00:38:05,079 together and cutting out little yellow 755 00:38:01,689 --> 00:38:06,999 gloves and then talking later about in 756 00:38:05,079 --> 00:38:09,099 the future you know weeks after that 757 00:38:06,999 --> 00:38:13,930 what really was that yellow glove all 758 00:38:09,099 --> 00:38:17,430 about so by bringing home the artwork 759 00:38:13,930 --> 00:38:19,989 and/or pictures again it also creates 760 00:38:17,430 --> 00:38:22,930 transcends the time that we're here but 761 00:38:19,989 --> 00:38:25,029 brings it into our home and again enrich 762 00:38:22,930 --> 00:38:28,029 me in which is that's much further than 763 00:38:25,029 --> 00:38:30,400 the time earlier one of the nice things 764 00:38:28,029 --> 00:38:33,819 for us was that that group collage 765 00:38:30,400 --> 00:38:37,890 project was framed beautifully framed 766 00:38:33,819 --> 00:38:41,199 and we were given two of the pieces for 767 00:38:37,890 --> 00:38:44,400 outside our the doors of our offices 768 00:38:41,199 --> 00:38:46,630 where Ginelli and Bobby and I work and 769 00:38:44,400 --> 00:38:48,489 people stopped all the time it's the 770 00:38:46,630 --> 00:38:52,509 only original art in the building you 771 00:38:48,489 --> 00:38:54,999 know we're in a hospital so it's really 772 00:38:52,509 --> 00:38:57,429 exciting but people stop there and ask 773 00:38:54,999 --> 00:39:00,910 us about it and we get to tell the story 774 00:38:57,429 --> 00:39:03,670 of how that was created by an entire 775 00:39:00,910 --> 00:39:06,249 group of people and it all came together 776 00:39:03,670 --> 00:39:09,309 so well and it's course beautifully 777 00:39:06,249 --> 00:39:13,269 framed and displayed but that's a way 778 00:39:09,309 --> 00:39:16,719 that we bring the museum program into 779 00:39:13,269 --> 00:39:19,239 the Medical Center and it's just gets 780 00:39:16,719 --> 00:39:21,729 people thinking excuse they're thinking 781 00:39:19,239 --> 00:39:23,859 about that the other thing I wanted to 782 00:39:21,729 --> 00:39:27,039 mention because I think it's important 783 00:39:23,859 --> 00:39:30,699 is that the museum has been really 784 00:39:27,039 --> 00:39:33,099 helpful in making adaptations for us we 785 00:39:30,699 --> 00:39:37,299 started out with those little black 786 00:39:33,099 --> 00:39:41,790 folds chairs which we're still using but 787 00:39:37,299 --> 00:39:44,400 some people balance isn't that great 788 00:39:41,790 --> 00:39:46,830 we weren't they weren't comfortable 789 00:39:44,400 --> 00:39:49,610 sitting in those little seats I wasn't 790 00:39:46,830 --> 00:39:53,640 particularly comfortable either but 791 00:39:49,610 --> 00:39:56,490 anyway we they were able to get seats 792 00:39:53,640 --> 00:39:59,880 with backs that also were transportable 793 00:39:56,490 --> 00:40:03,120 and they were able to set have the seat 794 00:39:59,880 --> 00:40:05,370 set up in advance for the next place we 795 00:40:03,120 --> 00:40:07,620 went so people didn't have to carry 796 00:40:05,370 --> 00:40:09,420 their seats with I mean these are small 797 00:40:07,620 --> 00:40:13,140 things they're logistics 798 00:40:09,420 --> 00:40:18,030 they make a huge difference we also know 799 00:40:13,140 --> 00:40:19,980 as the group has aged and progressed and 800 00:40:18,030 --> 00:40:23,360 some people have progressed to the point 801 00:40:19,980 --> 00:40:26,880 where they need friends in the bathroom 802 00:40:23,360 --> 00:40:30,240 if they are with an opposite sex partner 803 00:40:26,880 --> 00:40:33,060 that is no sweat here because we all 804 00:40:30,240 --> 00:40:36,870 know each other so well and there's 805 00:40:33,060 --> 00:40:39,060 always somebody and it's not necessary 806 00:40:36,870 --> 00:40:41,700 that's our group that's not the docents 807 00:40:39,060 --> 00:40:45,090 necessarily but we can take care of 808 00:40:41,700 --> 00:40:48,900 things that come up so they have made 809 00:40:45,090 --> 00:40:52,350 what are not typical ad a adaptations 810 00:40:48,900 --> 00:40:55,290 that have worked really well for our 811 00:40:52,350 --> 00:40:58,500 group oh and there's always always with 812 00:40:55,290 --> 00:41:02,160 with Tony the last oh I don't know six 813 00:40:58,500 --> 00:41:04,200 months or so if he had to go to the 814 00:41:02,160 --> 00:41:05,790 bathroom somebody went with it I mean 815 00:41:04,200 --> 00:41:08,250 and it was always somebody in our group 816 00:41:05,790 --> 00:41:12,450 come on come on Tony let's go and off 817 00:41:08,250 --> 00:41:15,030 you go and I have helped many a woman in 818 00:41:12,450 --> 00:41:18,300 our group that they kind of don't want 819 00:41:15,030 --> 00:41:23,880 him to go in there alone and we all help 820 00:41:18,300 --> 00:41:28,440 each other those are the dozens have 821 00:41:23,880 --> 00:41:34,620 made the Nasher program a resounding 822 00:41:28,440 --> 00:41:38,250 success anybody want to say anything 823 00:41:34,620 --> 00:41:39,960 about what happens at lunch Debbie 824 00:41:38,250 --> 00:41:45,030 you've probably been to more lunches 825 00:41:39,960 --> 00:41:47,310 this is well we we usually always go 826 00:41:45,030 --> 00:41:49,860 we'll have gone in the morning and so 827 00:41:47,310 --> 00:41:52,680 when we go into the where we're going to 828 00:41:49,860 --> 00:41:54,960 sit we see many of our friends that we 829 00:41:52,680 --> 00:41:55,680 were hoping to see and then everybody 830 00:41:54,960 --> 00:41:57,390 talks 831 00:41:55,680 --> 00:41:58,950 I can remember one day Tony and I were 832 00:41:57,390 --> 00:42:02,400 sitting at a table with a bunch of 833 00:41:58,950 --> 00:42:04,680 people and a couple of people came in 834 00:42:02,400 --> 00:42:06,630 and he jumped up and took off right over 835 00:42:04,680 --> 00:42:09,839 to greet him and give the man a big hug 836 00:42:06,630 --> 00:42:15,329 and he was so happy to see these people 837 00:42:09,839 --> 00:42:17,670 and that's what the lunch and the whole 838 00:42:15,329 --> 00:42:24,000 program made it so nice was that that 839 00:42:17,670 --> 00:42:26,849 you were there and like Lisa said you 840 00:42:24,000 --> 00:42:31,589 didn't we weren't in a support group 841 00:42:26,849 --> 00:42:33,900 where we were discussing heavy things 842 00:42:31,589 --> 00:42:37,890 about how we were doing or not doing and 843 00:42:33,900 --> 00:42:42,109 it was just a social fun relaxed time 844 00:42:37,890 --> 00:42:46,200 and lunches the food here is delicious 845 00:42:42,109 --> 00:42:48,599 it was also the couple time and what I 846 00:42:46,200 --> 00:42:52,980 think a lot of couples say is that they 847 00:42:48,599 --> 00:42:56,849 lose that couple time and so they were 848 00:42:52,980 --> 00:42:59,250 able to be as couples with friends the 849 00:42:56,849 --> 00:43:01,440 other thing that we know that I noticed 850 00:42:59,250 --> 00:43:05,099 is whenever we have anything in the 851 00:43:01,440 --> 00:43:07,530 atrium and our group is doing like one 852 00:43:05,099 --> 00:43:10,500 time we tried out African musical 853 00:43:07,530 --> 00:43:14,430 instruments and anyone who is in the 854 00:43:10,500 --> 00:43:16,950 museum was drawn to this and started 855 00:43:14,430 --> 00:43:20,520 joining our group nobody knew what our 856 00:43:16,950 --> 00:43:23,400 group was and you know everybody joined 857 00:43:20,520 --> 00:43:26,460 in and the same thing happened and much 858 00:43:23,400 --> 00:43:29,099 earlier in an art group where bobbi and 859 00:43:26,460 --> 00:43:31,589 i it was in the atrium and everybody was 860 00:43:29,099 --> 00:43:33,420 working on an art project and all of a 861 00:43:31,589 --> 00:43:34,950 sudden I noticed a mother and a daughter 862 00:43:33,420 --> 00:43:38,010 that I didn't recognize 863 00:43:34,950 --> 00:43:40,980 and I said to Bobby you know do you know 864 00:43:38,010 --> 00:43:42,900 them oh he knows it well it turns out 865 00:43:40,980 --> 00:43:44,970 they were just in the museum and they 866 00:43:42,900 --> 00:43:48,210 just sat down at the table and started 867 00:43:44,970 --> 00:43:54,559 making something together and ever our 868 00:43:48,210 --> 00:43:57,150 group didn't care and um but that's what 869 00:43:54,559 --> 00:43:59,970 Jessica and a lot of the people mean 870 00:43:57,150 --> 00:44:03,540 about getting a real community 871 00:43:59,970 --> 00:44:08,339 experience and not feeling singled out 872 00:44:03,540 --> 00:44:09,640 and getting to enjoy the benefits of the 873 00:44:08,339 --> 00:44:15,730 Durham commute 874 00:44:09,640 --> 00:44:19,980 that a museum has and not be so problem 875 00:44:15,730 --> 00:44:19,980 or disease focused all the time 876 00:44:28,150 --> 00:44:33,470 thank you so much for sharing narrative 877 00:44:31,309 --> 00:44:37,849 US government class wonderful man to 878 00:44:33,470 --> 00:44:38,900 follow their nutrition as a son getting 879 00:44:37,849 --> 00:44:45,069 ready what 880 00:44:38,900 --> 00:44:47,300 but facilitate cameramen the types of 881 00:44:45,069 --> 00:44:55,369 pre-registration what is the number that 882 00:44:47,300 --> 00:44:58,000 you limit to one and it's 20 in the 883 00:44:55,369 --> 00:45:00,559 morning and 24 in the afternoon and that 884 00:44:58,000 --> 00:45:03,980 Jessica said that it's dependent on the 885 00:45:00,559 --> 00:45:06,069 availability of the docents we within 886 00:45:03,980 --> 00:45:09,800 the morning group there's two groups 887 00:45:06,069 --> 00:45:11,750 sometimes base but if it's big they'll 888 00:45:09,800 --> 00:45:16,309 split into two groups in the afternoon 889 00:45:11,750 --> 00:45:19,400 we'll be two groups 222 split right so 890 00:45:16,309 --> 00:45:21,380 we'll have to docents with each group of 891 00:45:19,400 --> 00:45:22,819 ten in the morning and the same in the 892 00:45:21,380 --> 00:45:25,400 afternoon and then we kind of rotate 893 00:45:22,819 --> 00:45:28,520 through that tour and just by way of 894 00:45:25,400 --> 00:45:30,890 background there is always there are 895 00:45:28,520 --> 00:45:33,380 always two social workers from the Duke 896 00:45:30,890 --> 00:45:36,920 Family Support Program so that if the 897 00:45:33,380 --> 00:45:41,380 group divides into two we split into two 898 00:45:36,920 --> 00:45:41,380 - so we're with people we know 899 00:45:44,670 --> 00:45:52,060 we've we've done some seasonal things 900 00:45:48,510 --> 00:45:54,880 that you know spring I think we did I 901 00:45:52,060 --> 00:46:00,730 think we did pretty much every season at 902 00:45:54,880 --> 00:46:02,200 some point we did a tour about masks and 903 00:46:00,730 --> 00:46:04,060 that was a little bit of a stretch that 904 00:46:02,200 --> 00:46:05,800 we figured out a way to find you know 905 00:46:04,060 --> 00:46:10,000 our gal we have three different 906 00:46:05,800 --> 00:46:12,910 pavilions so we try to go into at least 907 00:46:10,000 --> 00:46:14,829 two of them during each tour so we're 908 00:46:12,910 --> 00:46:18,280 trying to connect you know sometimes 909 00:46:14,829 --> 00:46:21,400 ancient art to very contemporary art we 910 00:46:18,280 --> 00:46:24,220 did mass what are some others Ruth sir 911 00:46:21,400 --> 00:46:27,790 Maggie portraits and that was the time I 912 00:46:24,220 --> 00:46:29,589 think I did the dress up and then J who 913 00:46:27,790 --> 00:46:31,750 you've seen taking photos took photos of 914 00:46:29,589 --> 00:46:35,910 everybody and everyone got a copy of 915 00:46:31,750 --> 00:46:35,910 their yes they're a couple portrait 916 00:46:35,940 --> 00:46:41,770 meditation we put our heads together 917 00:46:39,849 --> 00:46:46,359 every month in a meeting and think about 918 00:46:41,770 --> 00:46:47,950 what a tour should be and we as docents 919 00:46:46,359 --> 00:46:50,109 also have developed tours for other 920 00:46:47,950 --> 00:46:52,839 purposes that will then kind of 921 00:46:50,109 --> 00:46:54,280 integrate into these one so those are 922 00:46:52,839 --> 00:46:56,880 some that come to mind we could probably 923 00:46:54,280 --> 00:46:56,880 share others 924 00:47:00,240 --> 00:47:05,670 we alternate so one month these are once 925 00:47:03,869 --> 00:47:17,930 a month one month is music the next 926 00:47:05,670 --> 00:47:20,960 month - well I just can't answer that 927 00:47:17,930 --> 00:47:25,200 she's she's the boss 928 00:47:20,960 --> 00:47:29,450 connection 22 salary guys and as a 21-8 929 00:47:25,200 --> 00:47:29,450 are part of their affection for me and 930 00:47:33,650 --> 00:47:40,349 they are all smart not necessarily it is 931 00:47:37,710 --> 00:47:43,700 a literal schedule with availability but 932 00:47:40,349 --> 00:47:47,040 a gallery guys plus two fact embers are 933 00:47:43,700 --> 00:47:49,680 tours and then of the eight 934 00:47:47,040 --> 00:48:00,960 we're very deliberate about having half 935 00:47:49,680 --> 00:48:02,910 this beaver season though having but bad 936 00:48:00,960 --> 00:48:05,640 University students who deliver the 937 00:48:02,910 --> 00:48:12,420 emergency room it's always the same day 938 00:48:05,640 --> 00:48:14,160 of the month and to the super to feel 939 00:48:12,420 --> 00:48:17,070 like the fourth paragraph is on that 940 00:48:14,160 --> 00:48:19,710 Wednesday of the month iminium Tuesday 941 00:48:17,070 --> 00:48:22,349 that's dedicated for here and date 942 00:48:19,710 --> 00:48:32,109 forums and we have a to data indicated 943 00:48:22,349 --> 00:48:35,619 for public tours are more 944 00:48:32,109 --> 00:48:37,809 we do 60 minutes in the gallery and then 945 00:48:35,619 --> 00:48:48,009 a half hour either for the music or the 946 00:48:37,809 --> 00:48:50,709 art some people come at lunch and do the 947 00:48:48,009 --> 00:48:52,509 afternoon group so they would come at 948 00:48:50,709 --> 00:48:55,660 12:00 and start with lunch and then do 949 00:48:52,509 --> 00:48:57,880 the afternoon group but the the group 950 00:48:55,660 --> 00:49:00,999 program the structured program is an 951 00:48:57,880 --> 00:49:04,089 hour and a half total and that's why I 952 00:49:00,999 --> 00:49:05,950 like their flexibility is we had one 953 00:49:04,089 --> 00:49:09,640 chamber group that was wonderful but 954 00:49:05,950 --> 00:49:12,969 they wanted 45 minutes and they were so 955 00:49:09,640 --> 00:49:15,719 great that it was worth every second so 956 00:49:12,969 --> 00:49:29,469 we cut the art a little bit because that 957 00:49:15,719 --> 00:49:40,019 everybody loved that group go ahead and 958 00:49:29,469 --> 00:49:45,309 one create a ring Rin once in a while I 959 00:49:40,019 --> 00:49:46,989 think the art the hours is a good time 960 00:49:45,309 --> 00:49:49,180 gallery yeah for the gallery I think 961 00:49:46,989 --> 00:49:52,269 that's that's a super time and and I 962 00:49:49,180 --> 00:49:54,640 know with the music many of us could 963 00:49:52,269 --> 00:49:58,569 easily have it longer that happens how 964 00:49:54,640 --> 00:50:02,019 our music but you'd also get involved in 965 00:49:58,569 --> 00:50:04,630 whatever art project you were doing so 966 00:50:02,019 --> 00:50:10,390 I've taken some of the work home and 967 00:50:04,630 --> 00:50:13,059 finished it and a lot of planning and 968 00:50:10,390 --> 00:50:15,459 logistics have gone into that having art 969 00:50:13,059 --> 00:50:17,499 ready to go as soon as we get there it's 970 00:50:15,459 --> 00:50:18,999 all organized and they don't have other 971 00:50:17,499 --> 00:50:23,440 people helping too which is helpful 972 00:50:18,999 --> 00:50:26,380 other staff helping and we should say 973 00:50:23,440 --> 00:50:29,140 that we also have had artists visiting 974 00:50:26,380 --> 00:50:31,809 artists with our groups doing the art 975 00:50:29,140 --> 00:50:34,930 interactive art projects that was 976 00:50:31,809 --> 00:50:37,959 fascinating to me yeah we had a Potter 977 00:50:34,930 --> 00:50:42,190 who worked with clay we had a company 978 00:50:37,959 --> 00:50:44,499 who did weaving wood and metal agree 979 00:50:42,190 --> 00:50:45,910 with it scream oh right right it was 980 00:50:44,499 --> 00:50:58,150 green printing oh yeah and 981 00:50:45,910 --> 00:51:05,589 then the wood-burning yes quite a pretty 982 00:50:58,150 --> 00:51:08,260 for brandy but I certify structures here 983 00:51:05,589 --> 00:51:10,539 are you independent I have no we're 984 00:51:08,260 --> 00:51:14,470 community based we are these are not 985 00:51:10,539 --> 00:51:17,230 necessarily all due patients we just 986 00:51:14,470 --> 00:51:20,950 happen to be located in the Duke center 987 00:51:17,230 --> 00:51:23,770 for aging space and Duke hospital but 988 00:51:20,950 --> 00:51:26,619 all our support groups and all our 989 00:51:23,770 --> 00:51:30,849 education and support programs like our 990 00:51:26,619 --> 00:51:34,599 specific early stage memory loss program 991 00:51:30,849 --> 00:51:37,630 is for the community and so the 992 00:51:34,599 --> 00:51:41,039 community is large it is not Durham and 993 00:51:37,630 --> 00:51:46,780 we're drawing from the whole raleigh 994 00:51:41,039 --> 00:51:49,510 area and Chapel Hill and beyond we've 995 00:51:46,780 --> 00:51:54,730 had people in this program from Virginia 996 00:51:49,510 --> 00:51:58,460 and winston-salem party any serve people 997 00:51:54,730 --> 00:52:02,180 that come in as early stages and 998 00:51:58,460 --> 00:52:05,809 now we have support groups for people at 999 00:52:02,180 --> 00:52:10,460 varying stages and it's a is a very 1000 00:52:05,809 --> 00:52:13,760 large program but people who go through 1001 00:52:10,460 --> 00:52:16,819 an early stage eight-week education and 1002 00:52:13,760 --> 00:52:19,880 support program then become part of a 1003 00:52:16,819 --> 00:52:23,569 larger community that one man living 1004 00:52:19,880 --> 00:52:25,609 with dementia defined as the alphas he 1005 00:52:23,569 --> 00:52:28,010 started calling it the alphas so the 1006 00:52:25,609 --> 00:52:31,900 Alpha community now is about a hundred 1007 00:52:28,010 --> 00:52:35,569 and fifty people throughout the area and 1008 00:52:31,900 --> 00:52:38,510 we provide a range of programs including 1009 00:52:35,569 --> 00:52:42,290 the Nasher but other arts programs other 1010 00:52:38,510 --> 00:52:45,440 support group programs lectures and a 1011 00:52:42,290 --> 00:52:48,980 variety of other programs for people to 1012 00:52:45,440 --> 00:52:51,140 continue to stay connected so that they 1013 00:52:48,980 --> 00:52:54,829 have lots of options to see each other 1014 00:52:51,140 --> 00:52:57,800 during the month you know we Wednesday's 1015 00:52:54,829 --> 00:52:59,750 is Nasher day you know there are some 1016 00:52:57,800 --> 00:53:02,650 things that those rituals get to be 1017 00:52:59,750 --> 00:53:02,650 really important 1018 00:53:06,270 --> 00:53:08,300 I 1019 00:53:09,940 --> 00:53:15,100 question she wondered whether the museum 1020 00:53:12,710 --> 00:53:19,510 paid for lunch or if participants did 1021 00:53:15,100 --> 00:53:19,510 participants participants pay for lunch 1022 00:53:19,720 --> 00:53:28,010 there's no charge and I think that's 1023 00:53:23,119 --> 00:53:31,430 really important and they get parking 1024 00:53:28,010 --> 00:53:33,770 passes they get the entire program and 1025 00:53:31,430 --> 00:53:37,130 they're not charged for materials fees 1026 00:53:33,770 --> 00:53:41,150 like our students are I think that's 1027 00:53:37,130 --> 00:53:44,600 really fantastic advantage at lets 1028 00:53:41,150 --> 00:53:47,990 people try something that they may never 1029 00:53:44,600 --> 00:53:51,260 have tried and we have had people who 1030 00:53:47,990 --> 00:53:54,170 have never been in a museum we've had 1031 00:53:51,260 --> 00:53:56,030 people who say you know well that they 1032 00:53:54,170 --> 00:53:59,780 look around and they say well this is 1033 00:53:56,030 --> 00:54:03,760 pretty contemporary art and most of this 1034 00:53:59,780 --> 00:54:08,180 and sometimes pretty provocative art and 1035 00:54:03,760 --> 00:54:12,320 some more traditional people have said 1036 00:54:08,180 --> 00:54:17,840 well this isn't my style but is one man 1037 00:54:12,320 --> 00:54:20,330 in our group said you know we're I never 1038 00:54:17,840 --> 00:54:24,050 thought a 76 year old man could have so 1039 00:54:20,330 --> 00:54:26,960 much fun and he was one of those people 1040 00:54:24,050 --> 00:54:29,420 who had never been to a museum 1041 00:54:26,960 --> 00:54:31,369 you mentioned that you all knew each 1042 00:54:29,420 --> 00:54:33,890 other group knew each other prior 1043 00:54:31,369 --> 00:54:36,319 because beginning the measure program 1044 00:54:33,890 --> 00:54:39,260 and I was wondering what that looks like 1045 00:54:36,319 --> 00:54:43,700 and College Outsiders might happy in the 1046 00:54:39,260 --> 00:54:48,200 use and use their facility or group come 1047 00:54:43,700 --> 00:54:51,290 into this program our providers at UNC 1048 00:54:48,200 --> 00:54:53,800 there's another blue down the road but I 1049 00:54:51,290 --> 00:54:58,550 wouldn't really like this blue tube 1050 00:54:53,800 --> 00:55:01,819 because of this program but so Debbie 1051 00:54:58,550 --> 00:55:03,440 was she was in the very early education 1052 00:55:01,819 --> 00:55:05,960 and support group for early-stage 1053 00:55:03,440 --> 00:55:08,059 Alzheimer's disease and we would do 1054 00:55:05,960 --> 00:55:10,819 family support put on and that was the 1055 00:55:08,059 --> 00:55:13,460 eight-week program so that cohort of 1056 00:55:10,819 --> 00:55:16,339 people then are connected with other 1057 00:55:13,460 --> 00:55:20,650 cohorts that come later which we were 1058 00:55:16,339 --> 00:55:23,599 part of the one in a year ago so it's 1059 00:55:20,650 --> 00:55:25,940 through the again that details the work 1060 00:55:23,599 --> 00:55:29,089 that Janelle II and Bobby and Lisa do to 1061 00:55:25,940 --> 00:55:31,520 combine everyone together then that 1062 00:55:29,089 --> 00:55:34,460 creates an opportunity for us to be 1063 00:55:31,520 --> 00:55:37,760 other people that we had not met in our 1064 00:55:34,460 --> 00:55:40,339 specific group but it's that group of 1065 00:55:37,760 --> 00:55:42,619 150 people we potentially can meet here 1066 00:55:40,339 --> 00:55:44,510 so that that group comes to these 1067 00:55:42,619 --> 00:55:46,819 Wednesday look and lunch once a month 1068 00:55:44,510 --> 00:55:48,470 and that's the very first program that 1069 00:55:46,819 --> 00:55:51,440 we started doing for people with 1070 00:55:48,470 --> 00:55:56,930 dementia but we now have started two 1071 00:55:51,440 --> 00:55:59,599 others one that institutions can sign up 1072 00:55:56,930 --> 00:56:02,000 to come so assisted living facilities 1073 00:55:59,599 --> 00:56:03,410 and and we do a dedicated tour sort of 1074 00:56:02,000 --> 00:56:07,069 like these ones we don't always have 1075 00:56:03,410 --> 00:56:08,930 music and now we have a monthly public 1076 00:56:07,069 --> 00:56:10,190 tour people need to let us know they're 1077 00:56:08,930 --> 00:56:13,880 coming but that can just be an 1078 00:56:10,190 --> 00:56:16,549 individual and a Care Partner and that's 1079 00:56:13,880 --> 00:56:20,510 Tuesdays once a month we just recently 1080 00:56:16,549 --> 00:56:22,849 started in return is we advertise that 1081 00:56:20,510 --> 00:56:26,359 in a monthly e-newsletter that Janelle 1082 00:56:22,849 --> 00:56:28,790 e-myth is very responsible for and so 1083 00:56:26,359 --> 00:56:31,400 people who miss our regular Wednesday to 1084 00:56:28,790 --> 00:56:34,520 have doctor's appointments they could go 1085 00:56:31,400 --> 00:56:37,400 on that Tuesday program and get a pretty 1086 00:56:34,520 --> 00:56:40,090 similar experience and so that's an 1087 00:56:37,400 --> 00:56:44,410 advantage for us and they're expanding 1088 00:56:40,090 --> 00:56:47,500 program if you mentioned that the Nasher 1089 00:56:44,410 --> 00:56:49,480 program is one of a number of programs 1090 00:56:47,500 --> 00:56:52,090 that are offered people after they 1091 00:56:49,480 --> 00:56:54,790 succeed in eight weeks yes into the 1092 00:56:52,090 --> 00:56:58,060 support group commute on to some of the 1093 00:56:54,790 --> 00:57:00,510 other offerings are yeah we have another 1094 00:56:58,060 --> 00:57:03,310 support group that didn't necessarily 1095 00:57:00,510 --> 00:57:05,590 people don't necessarily start in early 1096 00:57:03,310 --> 00:57:08,320 stage with the eight-week group and 1097 00:57:05,590 --> 00:57:10,780 that's been meeting since the 90s once a 1098 00:57:08,320 --> 00:57:14,110 month in the morning in a church and 1099 00:57:10,780 --> 00:57:17,740 it's for couples and/or adult parent 1100 00:57:14,110 --> 00:57:21,370 adult child and they meet for 30 minutes 1101 00:57:17,740 --> 00:57:23,170 all together an hour separately one 1102 00:57:21,370 --> 00:57:25,720 separate groups for families and 1103 00:57:23,170 --> 00:57:27,910 separate groups for people with the 1104 00:57:25,720 --> 00:57:29,770 diagnosis and then they all go out to 1105 00:57:27,910 --> 00:57:32,650 lunch that lunch seems to be involved in 1106 00:57:29,770 --> 00:57:36,790 a lot of our food is involved in a lot 1107 00:57:32,650 --> 00:57:40,350 of our success and then we've also had 1108 00:57:36,790 --> 00:57:43,390 programs with the Carolina theater down 1109 00:57:40,350 --> 00:57:46,120 the kick it's actually yeah Carolina 1110 00:57:43,390 --> 00:57:48,130 theater downtown has school public 1111 00:57:46,120 --> 00:57:50,620 school programs where they bring in 1112 00:57:48,130 --> 00:57:52,720 artists who are going to be performing 1113 00:57:50,620 --> 00:57:56,800 for a lot of money at night to do a 1114 00:57:52,720 --> 00:57:59,530 school program during the day and so 1115 00:57:56,800 --> 00:58:02,470 we've tried a couple of times to take 1116 00:57:59,530 --> 00:58:06,190 group our group to a school program 1117 00:58:02,470 --> 00:58:10,090 where they will give 30 seats to a 1118 00:58:06,190 --> 00:58:11,740 disability group basically but so we and 1119 00:58:10,090 --> 00:58:13,270 we have the advantage of being there 1120 00:58:11,740 --> 00:58:16,090 with all the public schools which is 1121 00:58:13,270 --> 00:58:19,000 kind of fun and depending on the program 1122 00:58:16,090 --> 00:58:23,110 we had we tried that twice one of them 1123 00:58:19,000 --> 00:58:27,280 was a little bit too childlike for us 1124 00:58:23,110 --> 00:58:30,760 and one of them was phenomenal and our 1125 00:58:27,280 --> 00:58:32,860 group loved it so we've learned to be a 1126 00:58:30,760 --> 00:58:36,510 little more cautious about which 1127 00:58:32,860 --> 00:58:41,170 programs we pick but and then we have 1128 00:58:36,510 --> 00:58:44,800 potlucks we have we have lectures we 1129 00:58:41,170 --> 00:58:46,900 have groups for family members as their 1130 00:58:44,800 --> 00:58:50,920 relative progresses that are for more 1131 00:58:46,900 --> 00:58:53,650 moderate stage 2 patients aport groups 1132 00:58:50,920 --> 00:58:55,690 and a variety 1133 00:58:53,650 --> 00:58:59,380 of things that people can pick and 1134 00:58:55,690 --> 00:59:02,140 choose and then also in the community 1135 00:58:59,380 --> 00:59:04,779 their memory cafes there are seven 1136 00:59:02,140 --> 00:59:06,430 memory cafes in the Triangle area that 1137 00:59:04,779 --> 00:59:08,799 many of you may have been familiar with 1138 00:59:06,430 --> 00:59:10,779 but a lot of the people in our groups 1139 00:59:08,799 --> 00:59:13,799 have participate in some of the memory 1140 00:59:10,779 --> 00:59:13,799 cafes as well 1141 00:59:14,040 --> 00:59:20,920 [Applause]