The connection of all life, the spirit of the land for me, since I was a little girl, and climbed trees and looked out, has been extremely important.
Alexa Kleinbard
Healing plants are for everything that is connected in the ecology of the Earth

Alexa Kleinbard: Spirit in the Land is a 7-minute video about the artist Alexa Kleinbard, whose work is part of the exhibition Spirit in the Land. In this video, viewers visit the artist’s home in Tallahassee, Florida, where she talks about how she firmly believes in herbalism and using plants for healing. The camera pans across her REMEDIES series. Viewers learn about Kleinbard’s inspiration from nature, and how a lifetime of studying plants and animals has informed her work.
My work is really about the whole ecology and how everything is connected.
Alexa Kleinbard
Lead support for Spirit in the Land is provided by the Ford Foundation.
Major support for Spirit in the Land is provided by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.
This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts.
At the Nasher, Spirit in the Land is supported by the Mary Duke Biddle Foundation; The Duke Endowment; the Nancy A. Nasher and David J. Haemisegger Family Fund for Exhibitions; the Frank Edward Hanscom Endowment Fund; the Janine and J. Tomilson Hill Family Fund; Katie Thorpe Kerr and Terrance I. R. Kerr; Alexandria and Kevin Marchetti; Parker & Otis; Lisa Lowenthal Pruzan and Jonathan Pruzan; and Caroline and Arthur Rogers.