Virtual K-12 Teacher Resources
Bibliographic Resource

Reading Black Art: A Bibliography is an online resource that will aid in a better understanding of and engagement with work by Black artists in the Nasher Museum collection. It is a non-exhaustive bibliography on art, art history and visual culture of the African Diaspora. Books for young readers are included in the bibliography. This curated selection presents a wide array of instructive texts and will be updated monthly.
Gather a Virtual Curriculum at the Nasher's Words & Pictures website
The Nasher Museum and Durham Public Schools teachers recently collaborated to produce a number of K-2 lessons and downloadable resources that integrate visual arts into the language arts curriculum. These resources, which address Common Core standards and engage 21st Century Skills, are available online for free, thanks in part to a grant by the National Endowment for the Arts.
Visit [temporarily unavailable]
Activities for Teachers & Families
Find below lesson plans featuring works from the Nasher’s collection.
These lesson plans can be used by teachers or parents, and feature suggestions for careful looking, guided conversation, and further work inspired by select works of art. Each plan is available as a two-sided PDF that can be printed for schools that distribute hard copies of materials.
Family Art Activity: Andy Goldsworthy
Family Art Activity: Macro Photography
Actividad Artística Familiar: Un macro mundo
Family Tree
Recommended for grades 6-12
Árbol genealógico
Recomendado para los grados 6-12
Isolation Portrait
Recommended for grades 6-12
Looking at Landscapes
Recommended for grades K-5
Storytelling with Lines, Shapes, and Colors
Recommended for grades K-5
Narración de historias con líneas, formas y colores
Recomendado para los grados K-5
Family Art Activity: Creative Re-Creations
Actividad Artística Familar: Re-creaciones creativas
Self-Portrait Silhouettes
Recommended for grades K-5
Auto-Retrato de Siluetas
Recomendado para los grados K-5
Writing Labels
Recommended for grades 6-12
Escritura de etiquetas
Recomendado para los grados 6-12
Arbor Day
Recommended for grades K-5
Día del Árbol: ¡Celebrando Árboles!
Recomendado para los grados K-5
Family Art Activity: Celebrating Trees
Recommended for grades K-5
Actividad Artística Familiar: Día del Árbol ¡celebrando los árboles!
Recomendado para los grados K-5
Soundsuits: Nick Cave
Recommended for grades 6-12
Soundsuit (Traje de sonido) Nick Cave
Recomendado para los grados 6-12
Nature Mobiles
Recommended for grades K-5
Móviles de la Naturaleza
Recomendado para los grados K-5
Family Art Activity: Nature Mobiles
Recommended for grades K-5
Actividad Artística Familiar: Móviles de la Naturaleza
Recomendado para los grados K-5
Portraits with Non-traditional Materials
Recommended for grades 6-12
Retratos con materiales no tradicionales
Recomendado para los grados 6-12
Artful Weather Reports
Recommended for grades K-5
Reportajes artísticos del clima
Recomendado para los grados K-5
Family Art Activity: Drawing Shadows
Recommended for grades K-5
Actividad Artística Familiar: Dibujo de sombras
Recomendado para los grados K-5
Observations from Nature and History
Recommended for grades 6-12
Observaciones de la Naturaleza y de la Historia
Recomendado para los grados 6-12
Horses and History
Recommended for grades K-5
Caballos e historia
Recomendado para los grados K-5
Family Art Activity: Multi Dimensional
Recommended for grades K-5
Actividad Artística Familiar: Multidimensionalidad
Recomendado para los grados K-5
Finding a Theme: A Summertime Challenge
Recommended for grades 6-12
Encontrar un tema: Reto para el verano
Recomendado para los grados 6-12
Family Art Activity: Sequential Sidewalk Art
Actividad Artística Familiar: Arte secuencial de acera
Family Art Activity: Printmaking with String
Actividad Artística Familiar: Grabado con cuerda
Family Art Activity: Hard and Soft Sculptures
Actividad Artística Familiar: Esculturas duras y blandas
Family Art Activity: Using Found Fabric
Actividad Artística Familiar: Uso-de-tela-encontrada
Family Art Activity: Art from Personal Histories
Actividad Artística Familiar: Arte de historias personales
Family Art Activity: Personal Portraits
Actividad Artística Familiar: Retratos personalizantes
Family Art Activity: People and Patterns
Actividad Artística Familiar: Personas y Patrones
Family Art Activity: Making Maps
Actividad Artística Familiar: Realización de mapas